100 JavaScript Projects for Web Developers
Explore 50+ Beginner-Friendly Projects Built with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript to Boost Your Web Development Skills

Testimonial Slider Project
In this project, you will learn how to build a testimonial slider using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We use a timer to change the sliders automatically and also we have added a bountiful animation showing the slides.
Tip Calculator Project
In this project, our aim is to build a modern tip calculator. The project's primary interface comprises a container labeled "Tip Calculator" with two input fields: one for the bill amount and the other for the tip percentage. The tip calculator has a modern design that is styled using CSS. We utilized JavaScript to obtain the values of the two input fields and calculate the total amount based on these values.
Age Calculator Project
In this project, we are going to create an age calculator. As you can see from the final version of the project, we have a container here with the title age calculator with an input of a date. If we click on the date input, we can choose the date of our birthday. For example, if we choose a date in in 2022 and if we click now on Calculate Age, you can see the age is calculated based on this date and saying your age is 21 years old.
Recipe Book App Project
In this project, we're developing a recipe book application that features a variety of recipes obtained through a free recipe API. We need an API key to access this API. Each time the page is refreshed, a new set of recipes with distinct ingredients will be displayed. Additionally, a link is provided to access the recipe website.
Dice Roll Simulator Project
Welcome to the Dice Roll Simulator project. The final version of the project features a dice at the center of the screen and a "Roll dice" button. The button triggers an animation and generates a random number, which is displayed in the center of the dice when clicked, t. Additionally, the number is added to a history list. To achieve this, we used modern CSS to style the dice and added a JavaScript event listener to the button. The listener generates a random number, saves it to an array, and updates the history list.
Pomodoro Timer Project
The objective of this project is to design a Pomodoro timer that features a countdown clock and three functional buttons, namely start, stop, and reset. Upon clicking the start button, the timer will commence counting down from 25 minutes. Should one desire to halt the countdown, the stop button can be pressed. The countdown can be resumed by hitting the start button, and by clicking on the reset button, the timer will reset to 25 mins again. An alert will notify the user when the timer reaches zero. This Pomodoro timer is an ideal tool for individuals seeking to focus on a task for a set amount of time, followed by a break. By implementing this technique, productivity and time management skills can be improved. To create this timer, one must initially grasp the principles of CSS for styling purposes. Next, event listeners will be added to the buttons using JavaScript. Finally, a timer will be established using the SetInterval function in JavaScript.
Rock Paper Scissors Game Project
In this project, we create a rock, paper, and scissors game. The computer will also choose a random option, and the results will be displayed. You can win, lose, or tie. Scores are tracked at the bottom. We'll use HTML for structure, CSS for a modern look, and JavaScript to generate the computer's choice and compare the results. This game is an interactive way to test your luck and strategy against a computer opponent.
Simple Stopwatch Project
Welcome to the Stopwatch Project! We will create a timer displayed at the top, along with three buttons - start, stop, and reset. Clicking the START button will begin the timer. The STOP button will pause the timer using a JavaScript method called SetInterval, which can be cleared using clearInterval. The RESET button will reset the timer to zero. If you click STOP and then START again, the timer will continue from the previously elapsed time. We'll start by installing CSS for the buttons' design and hover effects, then use JavaScript to get the browser time, manipulate the content, replace it with the calculated time, and provide the start, stop, and reset functionality.